Tips Simple Steps to Successful Delegation 2022
Last month, my superior article was about making a list of "stop
doing". Hopefully, if you follow my advice, you now have a list of tasks
that you want to delegate. It seems that the natural developments that I now
reveal a few simple steps that will ensure plunge into the delegation are

1. Select the right "delegatee"
Review tasks and determine what skills are needed. The delegation runs much
smoother if you match the person with the skills that are in accordance with
the tasks that you must set. Now if you don't have a candidate who has all
the skills you are looking for, decide which is the most critical
(analytical ability, attention to details, communication skills) and make it
One of the delegates rewards is an opportunity to help a person develop and
grow. There's no way you will always have a candidate that you can submit
something and not have to provide training or training. But learning to
empower your employees will reap big rewards when their confidence grows
with their abilities, and the delegation becomes easier and easier, and the
list of "stop doing" you become longer and longer.
2. State your hopes clearly
When you set a task, it is very clear about the results you expect, and
meet your expectations as much as possible. As a minimum, you need to
communicate "what" and "when". For example: "I want this invoice to be
included in my database at 17:00 tomorrow". Then, start adding
qualifications to your request, such as: "Please make sure that the category
of expenses is correct, and if you are not sure, ask me and I will clarify
for you because I want the report accurate."
In addition to communicating about "what" and "when" from a task, I suggest
you also enter information about "why". For example: "I need a monthly recap
report conducted at 5 pm tomorrow because I hold a meeting with client X
next morning and need information, so it is very important for me." Often,
we assume that other people must know what we expect. But if you have a new
working relationship with someone, it might be an unfair hope. So, spend a
few minutes to think about what you need to communicate to save you both a
lot of irritation, and maybe re -work.
3. Select the right level of supervision
No one wants to work for micro managers, but some managers are too off
their hands when it is inappropriate. Pay attention to the level of skills
and experience of your employees and adjust your supervision level. The
first few times they handled complicated tasks, you might want to check in
more often. After a few months, you might be able to relieve your
involvement because their knowledge and confidence increase.
4. Give feedback effectively and frequently
Every now and then, we are really lucky and ask someone to support us who
do things perfectly first. But the scenario didn't happen too often.
However, we can bring employees to the level of perfection by providing the
right feedback. Tell them very specifically what they do well ("Your
accuracy is very good. I am rare, if ever, find mistakes in your work.
Maintain."), And what they need to increase ("I really need a recap Monthly
monthly reports for company X finished yesterday. I held a meeting with them
this morning, and could not give them the latest information. That reflects
badly on my service. I need you to tell me when you cannot fulfill the
deadline I have giving You. Will you do that? ")
Specific and constructive feedback is the most effective way to improve
performance. Even if you have an "star" employee, you still need to provide
feedback so they will maintain a high level of performance. Work to provide
more positive feedback. If the only time you give feedback is when you are
unhappy, your employees will not really want to talk to you.
Follow these simple steps and translate the delegation. When you become
more successful in the deleg
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