Tips Methods for Clearing Mental Clutter in 2022
Many adults with ADD have difficulty slowing down their brains. The mind often comes with quail wind speed, and may be difficult to concentrate on the tasks that exist when so many other thoughts are floating in the brain. I call it "mental chaos."
Often, mental chaos consists of worries and bad feelings. (Very few people are overwhelmed by the number of positive thoughts in their heads!) Past regrets and concerns about the future can easily shade the current moment. Self -doubts can also spend a lot of space in mind. When the advantages of this type of mind take over the brain, it can make stress, disappoint, and sometimes even paralyze.
The best way to cleanse this mental chaos is to process the mind, rather than let them swim in your brain. Doing that will allow you to focus at this time, and feel more calm and centralized.
The following 3 methods are proven to be very helpful in cleaning mental chaos.
1. Write
A good way to clean mental chaos is to move the mind from your brain to paper. This can be in the form of a list of tasks, email to people who support in your life, or journal entries. When the mind is recorded, you don't need your brain to maintain it.
In addition, if you feel burdened by a situation (such as argument with family members) who write about it can help you process your feelings. You can get a better grip on the event, how you feel, and what you might have done differently. One or two pages may be that only.
2. Talk
Many people with ADD are "verbal processors." This means that we often overcome thoughts and feelings by talking about it. This helps to have objective people to talk to, who can reflect your mind and talk about it with you. However, the act of speaking is often what the tricks do, so having someone to talk to is not always needed. Many people find that talking to tape recorder according to their needs. Other people talk to plants or animals. (I am so talking to my dog so I am surprised he doesn't speak again now!)
3. Move
Some adders can cleanse mental chaos by moving. Something simple like 10 minutes walk can give a jolt needed by the brain. Other people may find that they feel free from foreign thoughts after visiting the gym. Just time combined with physical activity has proven to be a successful formula for some additions to work through their mental chaos.
It is best to experiment with different methods and see which is most suitable for you in various fields of your life. The important thing to know is that with a little free time, mental chaos can be cleaned!
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