How to Tips For Smoking Cessation
Tip 1: Rise above desire
Imagine cigarettes as crutches. You always have these crutches to lean and
immediately, it is impossible to walk without them. The important thing to
learn is as soon as you walk at your feet again, they will quickly regain
strength. Maybe a little facts are known, but about half of what is inhaled
by smokers from cigarettes is pure air. Next time you are beaten with
wishes, take a deep breath and relax. You will soon be able to rise above
your wishes, feel fresh, and continue.
Tip 2: All Reasons to Stop

Why do you want to stop? Do you have children? Do you want to live to see
your grandchildren? Are you fed up with the smell? Whatever your reasons,
write down. Save a daily journal about your feelings and in the first entry
list in bold every reason you have to stop. Mention things like health
reasons, costs, discomfort, bad breath, or other reasons and make a list of
as long as possible. Also make sure to include how you feel when you have
kicked the habit.
Tip 3: good, bad and ugly
After you finish the list of reasons you want to stop and how you feel
after you stop, make a list of consequences from not stopping. Are other
smokers in your family having cancer? Did they die? Do they have to talk
through the hole in their necks? Can you not pay off debts because you
always buy cigarettes? Whatever your consequences, be sure to register
everything. As above, make sure to include the consequences (good
consequences, of course) stop. Keep them awaited.
Tip 4: Break Time!
Most smokers agree: cigarettes are rest. When it stops, give yourself a
break, but do something. The road, eat a piece of fruit or drink juice. This
is very important because the body will experience changes that release all
the accumulated poisons. The fruit will help this process in many
Good luck!
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