How To Build A Brand Strategy in 2022
What is a brand? That's how buyers and prospective buyers look at you, your business and the products and services you offer. Brand is perception, but they become a fact in the minds of consumers. Archer Malvo Ventures created canvas to describe building brand strategies such as strategies that seek to build business models. This is what must be considered when building a brand, according to Archer:
Customer/user insight. What do people think about your product category? Is this luxury or commodity or something in between? How relevant needs, desires or desires for products? Does that have a real impact on the life of the buyer? What problems are solved by the product or service? What do the products or services do to improve the life of the buyer?
What benefits are the most valuable buyers to them? Are the benefits real and intangible? Some rational or real benefits. Some are intangible. And, what is the strongest influence their decision to buy? Is this a factor in price, quality, availability, reliability, or accessibility that encourages buyers to make decisions to buy?
Marc Goldberg, a member of the Honorary Council from the Cape & Islands Veterans Examination Center (Note Note)
Competition. Who is the direct and indirect competitor of the company? What defines it? Location, product/service offer, price, availability? Is there a vacuum in the market filled by others? What are the differences between competitors and competitive advantage? Are there any disturbances in the product or service category? Does everyone who compete offers a product or service that is relatively the same as a small difference or doing one or two that stands out by taking a different approach?
Company/product/service features. What is the simplest description of product or service offer? Can that be easily communicated? Can the description including the difference that creates uniqueness in the mind of the buyer?
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The story continues
Values represented by the brand. How do the founding values affect the brand? They are the main for developing brand strategies. Brand values affect everything that the organization does, how it interacts and communicates with customers and how they provide solutions. Examples of brand values are: transparency, authenticity, collaborative, fair, integrity, focus on services, knowledge, and lifelong learning. Think about your brand, what value is conveyed when the current customer or potential and the user sees the brand communicated?
After the brand values are confirmed and communicated, the brand personality needs to be handled. These characteristics are usually communicated as adjectives that illustrate how it feels to do business with an organization. For example: warm, open, friendly, knowledgeable, and conscious quality.
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Now the brand parameters are defined, it is important to make a statement for determining the brand position. However, that's what branding did. This positions the company, product, and/or service in the mind of the buyer so that they do not see a suitable substitute for the offer.
There are five criteria that must be possessed by the statement of brand positioning: important, unique, trustworthy, can be followed up, and sustainable. To do that, the audience (target customer) needs to be clearly defined. Who are they, how do you describe them relative to their wishes?
Information. What, in the simplest term, the product or service description represented by the brand?
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Profit. What is a unique sales statement that defines product primary products or services? When combined together with people who represent the brand, what are the competitive advantages?
Proof. What is the main reason for a brand?
Results. What is the main emotional reward for customers or users? Does it answer the needs, desires, and wishes of the user?
Brand essence. What is the core idea, defining the concept or the main difference of the brand? Is that real or intangible? Is that attitude? Is it unique and clear and can be communicated in two to four words - "improvement of performance through training and measurement".
After completing the assessment of product or service branding, according to Hingemarketing, there are special steps in developing a brand strategy:
1. Look at your overall business strategy and identify what role your brand is playing in involving and maintaining customers.
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2. Clear identification and determine your customer base so that you design a campaign that reaches them where they are.
3. Develop the position you want your brand to hold in the minds of the current buyer and the potential-Does they enter for information, for services or for solutions?
4. Develop your message so that it is clear, concise, and memorable. Create a strategy that will make your message inherent - as defined by Heath Brothers in their monks, "Made to stick".
5. Create a name, logo, and tagline to connect with your target audience so that it has meaning for them, and make an invitation to act.
6. Then and only then you can develop a concrete marketing strategy to include social media, website design, and your guarantee material (traditional or digital).
Contributed by Marc L. Goldberg, certified mentor, Cape Cod & The Islands score.,, 508-775-4884. Source: 10 -step brand strategy for your professional, 1/14/22, Canvas Brand Strategy - Archer Malvo Ventures, Austin, Texas.
This article originally appeared in Cape Cod Times: Cape Cod Score: How to Build Products, Service Brand Strategies
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